Tuesday 18 October 2016

Benefits Leaves Beluntas

7 Benefits Leaves Beluntas For Herbal Medicine

Manfaat Daun Beluntas 

Benefits Leaves BeluntasDaun beluntas which is a small plant that is widely found in areas close to the coast. These plants live in a way that can easily grow wild and although not deliberately cultivated. Utilization beluntas leaves are widely used as an herbal remedy is quite powerful. Here are some benefits beluntas leaves for treatment:
1. Reduce Pegal Linu
Beluntas leaf properties turned out to also be used to reduce muscle pains in the body. Stiff often happens, will certainly be very torturing yourself. If having a stiff problem, then you should drink a decoction of leaves beluntas 3 times in 1 day.

2. Eliminate Body Odor
Body odor is certainly a very annoying problem, especially for social life. Neither the women or men, would be very insecure when experiencing body odor problem. From now on not to worry because the leaves beluntas can be the solution of this problem. Drinking water regularly beluntas leaf decoction, then the body odor that happens to be resolved. Other herbal ingredients that are also able to cope with body odor such as:

benefits of betel
benefits of coffee grounds
3. Eliminating Whitish
Beluntas leaves commonly known as a wild plant, widely used to treat vaginal discharge that is commonly experienced by women. Beluntas leaves can make this whitish be stopped completely within a fairly short. In addition beluntas leaves, white turmeric benefits can also be used to treat vaginal discharge.sponsored links
Other uses of the leaf beluntas very useful for women is because the properties that can make menstrual pain that is common to be reduced.
Benefits Leaves Beluntas

4. Eliminate Bad Breath
The problem of bad breath can be an obstacle, especially for those who often chatted with others. If you experience this problem, it is advisable to drink water leaves beluntas or use as a mouthwash to overcome this bad breath. Some benefits of fruits are also consumed to reduce bad breath such as:

benefits strawberry
the benefits of citrus fruits
benefits of grapes
5. Treat Pain Waist
Many people who experience frequent back pain. This would greatly disrupt life, if it is constantly happening. Beluntas leaf decoction has pain relieving properties, especially in the waist area is. In some people, hip pain will greatly interfere with daily activities, and how to overcome them is to take a decoction of the leaves beluntas regularly. In addition, the benefits of water will also help reduce the risk of back pain that can occur.
6. Overcome Rheumatism
For those parents who experience problems with rheumatism, can try to consume the herb leaves beluntas. Usefulness can eliminate a wide range of pain, it can also be used to treat rheumatism.
7. Overcoming Stomach Bloating
Beluntas leaves turns also be a solution when subjected to flatulence, so the discomfort of flatulence may soon disappear by drinking a decoction of the leaves beluntas.
To get this beluntas leaves, actually can be found easily in the area not far from the beach. Beluntas leaves are in the area and live with the wild, though only grows wild in the wild, but no reason to doubt the benefits of this beluntas leaves. Consumption beluntas leaves regularly to the perceived complaints can be reduced. But it is also necessary medical supervision when taking the traditional ingredients in

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Benefits & How to Make Herb Curcuma Curcuma

 Benefits & How to Make Herb Curcuma Curcuma

Image result for jamu temulawak

What are the benefits of ginger for our health? This would explain the efficacy and benefits of ginger and how to make the herb turmeric, also known active compound content contained in turmeric.
Wild Ginger is one of the herbs that we find in the various islands in Indonesia, this type of root crops is already well known to many countries in the world. Kendungan and famous for its medicinal qualities, it is no wonder if the plant is in the search to be used as material for making herbal medicine. Because of efficacious, ginger plant is not inferior efficacy with the efficacy of Korean ginseng plants are famous to be worth in overcoming a variety of health problems.
Wild Ginger is known by its Latin name Curcuma Roxb xhantorrhiza, one plant is commonly found in western Java. Ginger plant is still classified into families with ginger and turmeric plants. In Indonesia alone, ginger has a name that is different in each region such as in Java known as ginger, in the Sunda plant is known by the name of koneng big, in the Sumatran known tetemulawak, whereas in Madura known temulabak.
benefits of Ginger
Characteristics / Feature Ginger Plants
Here are some of the traits of ginger plants, among which:

  1.     This plant has a rhizome flaxen yellow or too old, while it feels a bit bitter and has a very sharp aroma
  2.     Wild Ginger has yan stem tuber is round like an egg
  3.     This plant has a flower shape is wide, short and grow irregularly arranged neatly. While the flowers are white or yellow slightly rosy
  4.     At the back there is a color glossy leaves and a little faded
  5.     While the leaf surface dark green and have brown stripes with embossed spots pale green clear
  6.     Leaf shape is similar to javelin elongated eyes and false
  7.     This plant can grow perpendicular to the ground plane
  8.     Ginger plant was included into the clump of plant species with pseudo stem

Content of Active Compounds
Ginger plant contains active compounds that are beneficial to health, such as:

  •     Volatile oil content consisting of turmerol xanthorrizol, camphor, sesquiterpene and mycrene
  •     Turmerol
  •     Glokusida
  •     carbinol
  •     Foluymetik
  •     curcumin
  •     Felandrean
  •     Desmetoksikurkumin

benefits of Ginger
Ginger plant has the greater benefits to health and treating various kinds of diseases, among which:

  1.     Can prevent the formation of bad fat levels in liver cells
  2.     Can cope with and relieve pain in joints
  3.     Can help control and lower cholesterol levels in the blood
  4.     Can get rid of toxins in the body
  5.     Ginger plant contains curcumin could help increase appetite, treat acne, preventing the development of cancer cells, can function as an antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that can win free radical attack and harmful bacteria

After doing research, it turned ginger plants can be useful to combat various diseases in the body. Not only in Indonesia, the research was conducted outside the country and concluded the same results would be good for the health benefits.How to Make Herb Curcuma
Ginger can be processed into various types of herbs, either singly or in combination with various other types of medicinal plants. Here's a second way to make potions ginger, among which:Sponsored links
First step
Ingredients :

  1.     1 finger, rhizome of ginger (sliced)
  2.     10 pieces, purple leaf (knead)
  3.     1 cup, water (200 ml)

How to make :
Clean the ginger rhizome with purple leaves to clean

  1.     Then, enter both the material into a small pot of water had sided
  2.     After that, both the material boiled until boiling
  3.     Then, remove and let cool then strain
  4.     Drink the potion regularly 2 times a day as much as half a cup, doing this treatment until the condition of your health recover.

the second way
Ingredients :

  1.     10 grams, ginger rhizome
  2.     10 gram, turmeric
  3.     10 grams of dried bitter leaf
  4.     10 gram, white meeting
  5.     10 grams, the roots Intersection mango
  6.     10 grams, meniran (all parts of the plant)
  7.     10 gram, dry ceplukan (all parts of the plant)
  8.     2 cups, water

How to make :
  1.     Clean all the material that has been prepared, then puree ginger rhizome, ginger and white, Intersection mango and turmeric until smooth and creamy
  2.     After that mix flatten all materials that have been mashed together meniran, sambilloto and ciplukan.
  3.     Furthermore, boiled all ingredients with 400 ml of water to boil into 1 ½ cups.
  4.     Last strain the mixture of water and drink regularly three times a day ½ cup.


Do mengkonsusmi ginger excessively, it is because there is the content of curcumin that may endanger the health if taken in excessive doses or high. Prompts safely suggested that only 100 mg per day.

Monday 3 October 2016

jamu beras kencur

Make Your Own Herb Rice Powder for Treating rheumatic Pegal


Image result for resep jamu jawa beras kencur

Jamu kencur rice is one of the traditional herbal drink which is quite popular among the people of Indonesia. Jamu kencur rice has good benefits for the health of the body, one of which is to help overcome the problem of stiff.
Jamu kencur rice is very easy to find because it usually is one of the herbs that are always taken by mom or sis herbalist carrying around. However, due to much demand, it is not rare herbs kencur rice was gone when herbalist stopped by our place.
Instead we are constantly disappointed not miss kencur herbal rice, there is no harm if we try to make your own herbal rice kencur at home. How to make herbal rice sangalah kencur easy. Here is one recipe how to make herbal rice kencur.Materials for Making Herbal Rice Powder
To make herbal rice kencur, there are some ingredients that must be prepared. Some of them are:

  1.     500 grams kencur, peel, wash and clean samapi
  2.     250 grams of rice
  3.     250 grams of sugar
  4.     100 grams of brown sugar
  5.     1.5 liters of water
  6.     1/2 teaspoon salt
  7.     1 lemon, take the water
  8.     a little clove
  9.     A bit of cinnamon

How to Make Herbal Rice Powder
After all the above ingredients available, is the process or how to make herbal rice kencur. To make herbal rice kencur, here's what to do:
  •     Soak the rice for about 2 hours, then drain.
  •     Roasted (fried without oil) until rice dries out, lift, and puree.
  •     Kencur peeled and shredded or blended until smooth.
  •     Next is to mix all the ingredients like rice, kencur, cloves and cinnamon. Boil    until boiling, remove from heat, strain, give a little salt.
  •     Boil water with sugar, brown sugar, and salt to a boil, remove from heat, strain.
  •     Pour the sugar into the liquid water kencur rice. Stir well.
  •     If you want to drink, I stole a bit of lemon juice (to taste) and mix well and serve.

In addition to to treat stiff, manfat herbal rice kencur also able to increase appetite, increase vitality, reduce pain and can also be slimming. Also there are many other benefits of medicinal rice kencur.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Resep buat jenang

Resep Membuat Jenang Khas Jawa

 RATU KULINER – Resep cara membuat jenang khas jawa, jenang khas jawa adalah jenis jajanan atau panganan khas jawa yang bentuknya menyerupai madu mongso dan dodol,rasanya lembut manis dan
kenyal,mempunyai warna coklat karena adanya bahan pemanis yang berasal dari gula merah atau gula jawa asli.Hampir disetiap sudut daerah JAWA banyak dijual oleh-oleh khas jawa yaitu jenang khas jawa.Buat kalian yang rumahnya luar daerah jawa dan ingin mencicipi bagaimana rasanya jenang khas jawa dapat membuat sendiri di rumah dengan melihat resep cara membuat jenang kudus persembahan ratu kuliner.

Jenang khas jawa sendiri awalnya memiliki rasa original yaitu wijen gula merah,namun sekarang sudah mulai banyak yang kreatif dengan membuat variasi rasa seperti rasa jahe,durian,nangka,wijen,susu,strowbery dan masih banyak lagi aneka rasa lainya. Jenang kas jawa juga sudah menjadi jajanan wajib yang harus ada di meja ruang tamu saat hari raya lebaran. Kebanyakan orang yang dari luar daerah jawa masih sulit untuk membedakan antara jenang dengan madu mongso, sedikit perbedaan yang terdapat pada jenang dan madu mongso adalah kalau jenang terbuat dari tepungberas ketan sedangkan madu mongso terbuat dari tape ketan,ada yang menggunakan tape ketan hitam dan ada juga yang menggunakan tape ketan putih tergantung selera masing-masing.

Agar lebih jelasnya berikut dibawah ini adalah resep kue lebaran tentang cara membuat jenang khas jawa yang dapat kalian ikuti langkah-langkah pembuatanya:

Hasil gambar untuk jenang

Resep Membuat Jenang Khas Jawa

Bahan untuk membuat jenang khas jawa:
-Tepung beras 1 kg
– Tepung ketan 250 gram
– Gula merah 1 ½ kg, dicairkan
– Gula pasir 200 gr, dicairkan
– Wijen 100 gram
– Santan 1500 ml (dari 2 butir kelapa)

Langkah bikin/memproses kue jenang khas jawa khusus :
1. terlebih dulu campur tepung beras serta tepung ketan.
2. setelah itu tuang santan kedalam wajan,masukkan tepung beras dan tepungketan yang sudah    dicampur.
3. berikan gula pasir, gula merah dan wijen.kemudian aduk rata. Lantas dimasak hingga jadi adonan yang kental serta kalis sembari diaduk-aduk kurang lebih selama 3 jam. Angkat serta biarkan dingin.
4. adonan jenang khas jawa itu dipotong-potong sama sesuai selera, lantas dibungkus memakai plastik hingga habis.
5. jenang khas jawa siap dihidangkan.

Hasil gambar untuk jenang